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박태성 교수

Taesung Park

전공반복측정자료 범주형자료 불완전자료 생물통계
1990. 08
Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, USA, Biostatistics, Ph.D.
1986. 02
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University,Korea, Statistics, M.S.
1984. 02
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University,Korea, Statistics, B.S.
2012.05 – present
창의연구단(고차원 생물정보 통계연구단), Director
2001.10 – present
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Korea, Professor
2007.09 – 2009.08
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Korea, Chair
2005.04 – 2010.03
National Research Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Seoul National University, Korea, Director
2009.09 – 2010.08
Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA, Visiting Professor
1999.09 – 2001.09
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Korea, Associate Professor
1992.09 – 1999.08
Department of Statistics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea, Associate Professor
1991.08 – 1992.08
ational Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, USA, Visiting Fellow
1990.09 – 1991.07
Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Iowa, USA, Visiting Research Scientist
[ Editor ]
2014 – 현재
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (Associate Editor)
2008 – 현재
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB) (Associate Editor)
2011 – 2011
BMC Genomics (Special Issue Editor)

[ Chair ]

2012 – 2013

International Biometric Society Korea Region (President)
2010 – 2010
IEEE Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (Conference Chair)
[ Invited/Keynote speaker ]
Invited Speaker at US-Korea Conference 2014, San Francisco, USA
Invited Speaker at XXVIIth International Biometric Conference (IBC), Florence, Italy
Invited Speaker at The 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting,Taipei, Taiwan
Keynote Speaker at Joint conference of 5th AISECT and 4th EARBC, Bejing, China
Plenary Speaker at Conference on Computational and Systems Biology(CCSB), Hainan Island, China
Invited Speaker at The 17th Annual Meeting for Korean Society of Cancer Prevention , Seoul, Korea
Invited Speaker at International Conference on Diabetes and Metabolism, Seoul, Korea
Keynote Speaker at 2012 East Asia Regional Biometric Conference, Seoul, Korea
Invited Speaker at IEEE Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2011, Atlanta, USA
Invited Speaker at Affymetrix Pan Asia GWAS Meeting, Shanghai, China
Invited Speaker at 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), London, UK
1. An AUC-based approach using penalized regression for disease prediction with high-dimensiona omics data. BMC Genomics 2014, 15 (Suppl 10):S1
Effects of Smad3 linker and C-tail phosphorylation on tumorigenesis and metastasis in breast cancer cell lines. Cancer Research 2014, 74 (21):6139-49
Personalized identification of altered pathways in cancer using accumulated normal tissue data. Bioinformatics, 2014, 30:i422-i429
IGENT: efficient entropy based algorithm for genome-wide gene-gene interaction analysis. BMC Medical Genomics, 2014, 7 (Suppl 1):S6
FARVAT: a family-based rare variant association test. Bioinformatics, 2014, 30(22):3197-205.
Bis-class: a new classification tool of methylation status using bayes classifier and local methylation information. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15(608)
Validation of international consensus guidelines for the resection of branch duct-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. British Journal of Surgery, 2014, 101:686-92.
Pathway-driven discovery of rare mutational impact on cancer. Biomed Research International, 2014, 171892
PATHOME: an algorithm for accurately detecting differentially expressed subpathways. Oncogene. 2014, 33(41):4941-51
Significant association of CHRNB3 variants with nicotine dependence in multiple ethnic populations. Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, 18:1149-51.
Identification of multiple gene-gene interactions for ordinal phenotypes. BMC Medicalgenomics, 2013, 6(Suppl 2):S9.
Multivariate generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction to detect gene-gene interactions. BMC Systems Biology, 2013, 7(Suppl 6):S15
DRAK2 Participates in a Negative Feedback Loop to Control TGF-β/Smads Signaling by Binding to Type I TGF-β Receptor. Cell Reports. 2012, 2(5):1286-99.
Combined interaction of multi-locus genetic polymorphisms in cytarabine arabinoside metabolic pathway on clinical outcomes in adult acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. European Journal of Cancer, 2012, 49(2):403-10.
Gene-gene interaction analysis for the survival phenotype based on the Cox model. Bioinformatics, 2012, 28:i582-i588.
Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genet. 2012, 8(3):e1002607.
Integrated analysis of the heterogeneous microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12 (Suppl 5)
Enhanced peptide quantification using spectral count clustering and cluster abundance. BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12:423
Comparative Analyses of DNA Methylation and Sequence Evolution Using Nasonia Genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2011, 28(12):3345-54
Practical issues in genome-wide association studies for physical activity. Annals of the NewYork Academy of Sciences, 2011, 1229:38-44
Biological, clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids. Nature, 2010, 466(7307):707-13.
A large-scale genome-wide association study of Asian populations uncovers genetic factors influencing eight quantitative traits. Nature Genetics, 2009, 41:527-34.
마이크로어레이 자료의 통계적 분석, 자유아카데미

2014. 11

온빛상 (On-Bit상), 한국생물정보시스템생물학회