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오희석 교수

Hee-Seok Oh

전공통계적 다중척도방법
Multiscale Methods in Statistics: Wavelet Methods in Statistics, Hilbert-Huang Transform, Spherical Wavelets.
Function Estimation: Wavelet Shrinkage, Smoothing Splines, Robust Regression, Quantile Regression.
Time Series: Spectral Analysis, Nonstationary Processes.
Applications: Statistical Climatology, Bioinformatics.
1999. 05
Texas A&M University, College Station, U.S.A. Ph.D. (Statistics)
Ph.D. dissertation title: Spherical Wavelets and Their Statistical Analysis with Applications to Meteorological
Data (Advisor: Dr. Ta-Hsin Li)
Sparse Bayesian representation in time-frequency domain, with Gwangsu Kim, Jeongran Lee, Yongdai Kim, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Accepted for publication.
Quantile-based empirical mode decomposition: An efficient way to decompose noisy signals, with M.S. Park and D. Kim, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. Accepted for publication.
Simultaneous confidence interval for quantile regression, with Y. Lim, Computational Statistics, In press.
A survey of measurement-based spectrum occupancy modeling for cognitive radios, with Y. Chen, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, In press.
Independent component regression for seasonal climate prediction: an efficient way to improve multimodel ensembles, with Yaeji Lim, Jaeyong Lee, Hyun-Suk Kang, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119, 433-441. (2015)
Genomic selection for adjacent genetic markers of Yorkshire pigs using regularized regression approaches, with M.S. Park, T.-H. Kim, E.-S. Cho, H. Kim, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 27(12), 1678-1683. (2014)
A comparative study of regularized regression approaches using R: Application to SNP and litter size of Yorkshire pigs, with M.S. Park, T.-H. Kim, E.-S. Cho, H. Kim, Journal of Agriculture and Life Science, 48(3), 147-155. (2014)
Variable selection in quantile regression when the models have autoregressive errors, with Y. Lim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 43(4), 513-530. (2014)
Robust principal component analysis via ES-algorithm, with Y. Lim and Y. Park, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 43, 149-159. (2014)
Multimodel ensemble forecasting of rainfall over East Asia: regularized regression approach, with Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Sang-Goo Lee, Yongtae Park, Hyun-Suk Kang, International Journal of Climatology, 34(14), 3720-3731. (2014)
A new sparse variable selection via random-effect model, with Youngjo Lee, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 125, 89-99, (2014)
The role of functional data analysis for instantaneous frequency estimation, with M. Park and S. Cho, Computational Statistics, 28(5), 1965-1987. (2013)
Functional data classification of variable stars, with M. Park, D. Kim and S. Cho, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 20(4), 271-281. (2013)
Empirical mode decomposition using the second derivative, with M.S. Park and D. Kim, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 26(2), 335-347. (2013)
Classification of variable stars using thick-pen transform method, with M. Park and D. Kim, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 125(926), 470-476. (2013)
Bayesian regression based on principal components for high-dimensional data, with J.Y. Lee, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 117, 175-192. (2013)
Acceleration of X-chromosome gene order evolution in the cattle lineage , with W. Park, H. Kim, BMB Reports, 46(6), 310-315. (2013)
Sparse Bayesian representation in time-frequency domain, with Gwangsu Kim, Jeongran Lee, Yongdai Kim, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Accepted for publication.
Quantile-based empirical mode decomposition: An efficient way to decompose noisy signals, with M.S. Park and D. Kim, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. Accepted for publication.
Simultaneous confidence interval for quantile regression, with Y. Lim, Computational Statistics, In press.
A survey of measurement-based spectrum occupancy modeling for cognitive radios, with Y. Chen, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, In press.
Independent component regression for seasonal climate prediction: an efficient way to improve multimodel ensembles, with Yaeji Lim, Jaeyong Lee, Hyun-Suk Kang, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119, 433-441. (2015)
Genomic selection for adjacent genetic markers of Yorkshire pigs using regularized regression approaches, with M.S. Park, T.-H. Kim, E.-S. Cho, H. Kim, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 27(12), 1678-1683. (2014)
A comparative study of regularized regression approaches using R: Application to SNP and litter size of Yorkshire pigs, with M.S. Park, T.-H. Kim, E.-S. Cho, H. Kim, Journal of Agriculture and Life Science, 48(3), 147-155. (2014)
Variable selection in quantile regression when the models have autoregressive errors, with Y. Lim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 43(4), 513-530. (2014)
Robust principal component analysis via ES-algorithm, with Y. Lim and Y. Park, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 43, 149-159. (2014)
Multimodel ensemble forecasting of rainfall over East Asia: regularized regression approach, with Yaeji Lim, Seongil Jo, Jaeyong Lee, Sang-Goo Lee, Yongtae Park, Hyun-Suk Kang, International Journal of Climatology, 34(14), 3720-3731. (2014)
A new sparse variable selection via random-effect model, with Youngjo Lee, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 125, 89-99, (2014)
The role of functional data analysis for instantaneous frequency estimation, with M. Park and S. Cho, Computational Statistics, 28(5), 1965-1987. (2013)
Functional data classification of variable stars, with M. Park, D. Kim and S. Cho, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 20(4), 271-281. (2013)
Empirical mode decomposition using the second derivative, with M.S. Park and D. Kim, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 26(2), 335-347. (2013)
Classification of variable stars using thick-pen transform method, with M. Park and D. Kim, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 125(926), 470-476. (2013)
Bayesian regression based on principal components for high-dimensional data, with J.Y. Lee, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 117, 175-192. (2013)
Acceleration of X-chromosome gene order evolution in the cattle lineage , with W. Park, H. Kim, BMB Reports, 46(6), 310-315. (2013)
Extending the Scope of Empirical Mode Decomposition by Smoothing, with D. Kim, K. Kim, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 1, 168. (2012)
Bayesian Regression Models for Seasonal Forecast of Precipitation over Korea, with S. Jo, Y. Lim, J.Y. Lee, and H. Kang, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 48(3), 205-212. (2012)
Prediction of East Asian Summer Precipitation via Independent Component Analysis, with Y. Lim, S. Jo, J.Y. Lee, and H. Kang, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 48(2), 125-134. (2012)
An Improvement of Seasonal Climate Prediction by Regularized Canonical Correlation Analysis, with Y. Lim, S. Jo and J.Y.Lee, International Journal of Climatology, 32, 1503-1512. (2012)
Bidimensional Statistical Empirical Mode Decomposition, with D. Kim and M. Park, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(4), 191-194. (2012)
Future Weather Generation with Spatio-Temporal Correlation for the Four Major River Basins in South Korea, with D. Lee, J.Y. Lee and Y. Lee, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 25(2), 351-362. (2012)
Discussion of Time-Threshold Maps: using information from wavelet reconstructions with all threshold values simultaneously, with Y. Lim, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 41(2), 165-168. (2012)
The 20th century contiguous US temperature changes indicated by daily data and higher statistical moments, with S.S. Shen, A. Gurung, D. Easterling and T. Shu, Climatic Change, 109, 287-317. (2011)
A reinterpretation of EMD by cubic spline interpolation, with M. Park and D. Kim, Advanced in Adaptive Data Analysis, 3(4), 527-540. (2011)
Thick-pen transform for time series, with P. Fryzlewicz, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 73(4). (2011)
Hybrid Wavelet Denoising Procedure of Discontinuous Surfaces, with D.Kim and Philippe Naveau, IET Image Processing, 5(8), 684-692. (2011)
Fast Nonparametric Quantile Regression With Arbitrary Smoothing Methods, with D. W. Nychka and T. C. M. Lee, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(2), 510-526. (2011)
Extending the Scope of Automatic Time Series Model Selection: The Package autots for R, with Dongik jang and D. kim, Communications of the Korean Statistical Society, 18(3), 319-331. (2011)
Principal components analysis applied to genetic evaluation of racing performance of Thoroughbred race horses in Korea, with J.-E. Park et al., Livestock Science, 135, 293-299. (2011)
Enhancement of spatially adaptive smoothing splines via parameterization of smoothing parameters, with Dongik Jang, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 1029-1040. (2011)
Prediction Models for Racing Performance of Domestic Progeny of Throughbreds, with J.R. Lee, J.W. Lee and Heebal Kim, Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 52(6), 459-466. (2010)
Long-Term Forecasting by Wavelet-Based Filter Bank Selections and Its Applicationn, with J.R. Lee and Youlim Lee, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 23(2), 249-261. (2010)
Improved Multisite Stochastic Weather Generation with Applications to Historical Data in South Korea, with D. Lee, H. An, Y. Lee, J.Y. Lee and H.-S. Lee, Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 46(4), 497-504. (2010)
Improved Statistical Testing of Two-class Microarrays with a Robust Statistical Approach, with Dongik Jang, Seungyoon Oh and Heebal Kim, Interdisciplinary Bio Central, 2(4), 1-6. (2010)
Climate Prediction by a Hybrid Method with Emphasizing Future Precipitation Change of East Asia,with Y. Lim, S. Jo, J. and H. Kang, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 22, 1143-1152. (2009).
EMD: A Package for Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectrum, with D. Kim, The R Journal, 1(1), 40-46. (2009)
A Multi-Resolution Approach to Non-Stationary Financial Time Series Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform, with D. Kim and J. Suh, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 22(3), 499-513. (2009)
Cross-validated wavelet shrinkage, with D. Kim and Y. Lee, Computational Statistics, 24(3), 197-512. (2009)
Robust wavelet shrinkage using robust selection of thresholds, with D. Kim and Y. Kim, Statistics and Computing, 19, 27-34. (2009)
SCAD on high dimensions, with Y. Kim and H. Choi, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 103, 1665-1673. (2008)
A fast wavelet approach for recovering damaged images, with D. Kim and Y. Lee, Journal of Applied Statistics. 35(8), 927-938. (2008)
A Hilbert-Huang transform approach for predicting cyber-attacks, with D. Kim, S.H. Peak, Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 37, 277-283. (2008)
Bayesian automatic polynomial wavelet regression, with H.M. Kim, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 138, 2303-2312. (2008)
Bayesian selection of primary resolution and wavelet basis functions for wavelet regression, with C. G. Park and H. Lee, Computational and Statistics. 23, 291-302. (2008)
Circular statistics in musicology, with J.R. Lee, Communications of The Korean Statistical Society, 15(2), 273-282. (2008)
Modeling the trend of apartment market price in Seoul , with E. Hwang, Y. Kwon, D. Jang and J.Y. Lee, Communications of The Korean Statistical Society, 15(2), 173-192. (2008)
Reliability functions estimated from commonly used yield models, with K.O. Kim, Microelectronics Reliability, 48, 481-489. (2008)
A recipe for robust estimation using pseudo data, with J.Y. Lee and D. Kim, Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 37, 63-72, (2008)
The role of pseudo data for robust smoothing with application to wavelet regression, with D. W. Nychka and T. C. M. Lee, Biometrika, 94, 893-904. (2007)
SpherWave: R package for analyzing scattered spherical data by spherical wavelets, with D. Kim, R News, 7, 2-7, (2007)
Network design and preprocessing for multi-scale spherical basis function representation, with D. Kim, Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 36, 209-228. (2007)
Robust penalized regression spline fitting with application to additive mixed modeling, with Thomas C.M.LEE, Computational Statistics, 22, 159-171. (2007)
Hierarchical smoothing by empirical mode decomposition,with D.Kim, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 19, 319-329. (2006)
Theoretical peptide mass distribution in the non-redundant protein database of the NCBI, with Dajeong Lim and Heebal Kim, Genomics & Informatics, 4, 51-56. (2006)
Hierarchical-likelihood-based wavelet method for denoising signals with missing data, with D.Kim and Y.Lee, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 13, 361-364. (2006)
Invited discussion on Double hierarchical generalized linear models, with Y. Lee and J. Nelder, JRSS-C, 55, 176-177. (2006)
CVThresh: R Package for Level-Dependent Cross-Validation Thresholding, with D. Kim, Journal of Statistical Software, 5(10), 1-13. (2006)
Hybrid wavelet shrinkage: a method for boundary correction, with Thomas Lee, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48, 809-819. (2005)
Automatic polynomial wavelet regression, with Thomas Lee, Statistics and Computing, 14, 337-341. (2004)
Polynomial wavelet regression for images with irregular boundaries, with Philippe Naveau, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 13, 773-781. (2004)
Period analysis of variable stars by robust smoothing, with Doug Nychka, Tim Brown and Paul Charbonneau, JRSS C (Applied Statistics), 53, 15-30. (2004)
Estimation of global temperature fields from scattered observations by a spherical-wavelet-based spatially adaptive method, with Ta-Hsin Li, JRSS B, 66, 221-238. (2004)
Multi-resolution time series analysis applied to solar irradiance and climate reconstructions, with Caspar Ammann, Philippe Naveau, Doug Nychka and B. Otto-Bliesner, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 191-201. (2003)
An automatic statistical methodology to extract pulse-like forcing factors in climatic time series: Application to volcanic events, with Philippe Naveau and Caspar Ammann, In: Robock A. (Ed.) Volcanism and the Earth’s Atmosphere, Geophysical Monograph, 139, 177-186. (2003)
Wavelet spectrum and its characterization property for random processes, with Ta-Hsin Li, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 48, 2922-2937. (2002)
Polynomial boundary treatment for wavelet regression, with Philippe Naveau and Geunghee Lee, Biometrika, 88, 291-298. (2001)
Research Award, College of Natural Science, Seoul National University