Distinguished Professor of Seoul National University
Byeong U. Park
Prime Minister’s Citation Award
Chae Young Lim
Sudang Award
Youngjo Lee
Inchon Award
Byeong U. Park
Carver Medel, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Byeong U. Park
Member of National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea
Sunghyun Park
Awards of National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea
Byeong U. Park, Youngjo Lee
Member of Academy in Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Woochul Kim, Byeong U. Park, Sunghyun Park, Youngjo Lee, Taesung Park
Fellow, American Statistical Association
Taesung Park, Byeong U. Park, Sunghyun Park, Youngjo Lee
Fellow, American Society for Quality
Sunghyun Park
Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Byeong U. Park, Yongdai Kim
Elected, International Statistical Institute Member
Fellow, Royal Statistical Society
Youngjo Lee
Byeong U. Park