University of Maryland, Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics Major, Ph.d.
Seoul National University, Department of Computer Science & Statistics, B.S.
Associate Editor of Sequential Analysis
Associate Editor of Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
Associate Editor of Journal of Korean Statistical Society
Associate Editor of Computational Statistics
Associate Editor of Statistica Sinica
Associate Editor of Thailand Statistician
Associate Editor of Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Sequential estimation for the autocorrelations of linear processes
S Lee
-Annals of Statistics, 24 2233-2249 1996
On residual empirical process of stochastic regression models with applications to time series
S Lee, CZ Wei
-Annals of Statistics, 27 237-261 1999
Sequential point estimation of parameters in a threshold AR(1) model
S Lee, TN Sriram
-Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 84 343-355 1999
The cusum test for parameter change in time series models.
S Lee, J Ha, O Na, S Na
-Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 30 781-796 2003
Asymptotic theory for ARCH models: LAN and residual empirical process.
S Lee, M Taniguchi
-Statistica Sinica, 15 215-234 2005
Test for parameter change in diffusion processes by cusum statistics based on one-step estimators
S Lee, Y Nishiyama, N Yosida
-Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58 211-222 2006
Test for tail index change in stationary time series with Pareto type marginal distribution
M Kim, S Lee
-Bernoulli, 15 325-356 2009
Quantile regression estimator for GARCH models
S Lee, J Noh
-Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 40 2-20 2013
Bayesian causality test for integer-valued time series models with applications to climate and crime data
CWS Chen, S Lee
-Journal of Royal Statistical Society C, 66 797-814 2017
Hybrid change point detection for time series via support vector
regression and CUSUM method
S Lee, S Lee, M Moon
-Applied Soft Computing, 89 106101 2020
Monitoring procedures for strict stationarity based on the multivariate characteristic function.
S Lee, M Simos, MC Pretorius
-Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189 104892 2022
Korean Academical Gallup Award
CNS Excellent Lecture Award